Work From Home Tools

- Office 365, One Drive, and MyMC
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- ZOOM Conferencing Software
- College Phones
- IT Security at Home
The Office 365 Suite offers several collaboration tools that will make the transition
from work on site, to work at home easier.
Access Office 365new window using your <MyMC username> and MyMC password. You will also
be prompted for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) through Duo.
Office 365 offers the following tools:
Email (webmail)
Receive and send email as you normally would.
Setting your Out-of-Office Message for Outlook and Office 365 job aide (PDF, ) .
- If you have files stored on your College workstation, and will need to access them from home, please move or copy your files to OneDrive.
- If you need further information on how best to access and use OneDrive, visit the
One Drive tutorial in LinkedIn Learningnew window (available with your MyMC username and password) or download the One Drive job aide (PDF,
) or view the One Drive training video below:
MyMC Portal
MyMC is available via the Internet for College employees to access College applications, as well as single sign-on to a variety of other Internet available applications, including but not limited to:
- Banner Web (e.g. timesheets, pay information, etc.)
- Workday
- LinkedIn Learning
The College offers VPN for those who require resources that are only available on the College network. These include the following:
- Banner Admin available through MyMC, but requires “on campus” access. This applies to Banner functional and technical staff who perform functions outside of Banner Web.
- Information Technology resources in the data center. This applies to IT Staff who are systems engineers or administrators, application administrators, network engineers, etc.
- Network Shared Drives: (N:\drive, G:\ drive, etc.). This applies to department or team folder space to share documents.
For users who need to access network shared drives, or specialized software on their
workstation in the office, users will need to connect to VPN and then use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) (PDF, ) to connect to their workstation.
Note: If you are dependent on your workstation to access documents on a network shared drive,
move those files to your OneDrive as described above.
For an extended remote work scenario, you may not have access to your workstation
on campus on an ongoing basis.
Accessing VPN has the following requirements:
- An active Duo Account for 2FA
- The connecting device must have:
- An anti-virus program with up to date signatures
- An active personal firewall program
If you need a VPN account, please complete the VPN request formnew window.
Important Facts About VPN:
- There are two VPN servers
- The VPN (F5) client is configured to connect to one server automatically, e.g. VPN01.
- Each server supports 500 sessions
- If you attempt to connect with VPN and cannot, click on the “Change Server” button in the F5 client to switch to an alternative server, e.g. VPN02, and connect again.
- If you have work to do that requires you to use VPN, please do so. When you are done with the specific task, please disconnect your VPN session to free up the session for other users.
NOTE: VPN is only needed to connect to College resources that only exist on campus. If you
need to connect to cloud applications such as Office 365 (Email, OneDrive), or MC
publicly available applications, such as MyMC, you can do this from your web browser,
on your computer at home, without VPN.
Exception: The Banner Admin application through MyMC does require VPN.
Zoom video conferencing software makes it easier and more convenient to meet, communicate, and collaborate.
For security tips, detailed instructions, and best practices on how to securely conduct your Zoom meetings, visit the Zoombombing webpagenew window.
**New and Updated**
Alternative and Co-Hosting in Zoom (PDF, )
Zoom: Screen Sharing and Sharing within Breakout Rooms (PDF, )
Zoom Job Aides:
- Zoombombing: How to Secure Your Zoom Meeting (PDF,
- Getting Started with Zoom Video Conferencing (PDF,
- Join a Zoom Meeting (PDF,
- Schedule a Zoom Meeting (PDF,
- Logging into Multiple Zoom Accounts (PDF,
- Sharing A Screen in Zoom (PDF,
- Changing Your Zoom Virtual Background (PDF,
Quick Videos and Instructions:
- Screen Sharing a Powerpoint Presentationnew window
- Polling during your Zoom Meetingnew window
- Using Breakout Roomsnew window
- Using Annotation tool on White Boardsnew window
Zoom FAQs
No, you cannot log into MC’s Zoom from Please go to MC’s weblink to Zoom:
This picture shows the difference between both accounts on the login page:

Zoom does not allow a user to host multiple meetings at the same time. If the host attempts to have concurrent meetings by scheduling two different meetings at the same time, the host (or co-host) will be prompted to end the first meeting.
The Alternative Host can be added when scheduling a meeting and the Co-Host can be
added during the meeting. See the Alternative and Co-Host job aid (PDF, ) for instructions.
You should not use VPN to access a Zoom meeting. Use Outlook on your laptop or device to access the Zoom meeting. Do not use your work desktop to access the Zoom meeting. If you need assistance accessing email from your laptop or device, please contact the IT Service Desk.
Yes, go to your app store and download the Zoom app. When you launch Zoom, choose SSO and
enter montgomerycollege in the space next to Then log in with your MyMC credentials.
Montgomery College’s Zoom account does not cut off after 40 minutes as we have a licensed account. Zoom has a basic (personal) account that cuts off at 40 minutes. Make sure to sign out of your personal account before you log into MC’s Zoom account. If you do not Sign Out you will still be logged into your personal account. For more information see the Multiple Zoom Accounts job aide on the Work From Home Tools, Zoom Job Aide page.
Before scheduling your meeting, go the Meeting Settings. Navigate to the File Transfer option on the Meeting tab and verify that the setting is enabled. If the setting is disabled, click the Status toggle to enable it. If a verification dialog displays, choose Turn On to verify the change. If the option is blue then it is turned on. Once the meeting starts, go to the Chat and select More. Click Share File in Meeting. The Windows Explorer window opens. Select your file, and it will appear in the chat window for everyone.
If you are logged into your personal Zoom account, you will need to Sign Out of your account before you can log into your MC Zoom account. After signing out of your personal zoom account, you may want to clear your cache. To clear your cache, open your internet browser and do the following:
In Chrome: In the upper-right corner of the Chrome window, click the Menu button, choose More Tools, and click Clear browsing data.... Keep the checked defaults to clear Browsing history and Clear Cached images and files. Then, click Clear Data.
In Safari: Click on the Safari drop-down menu and select Preferences. Click the Advanced tab. Select the Show Develop menu in menu bar checkbox and close the Preferences window. Select the Develop drop-down menu. Click Empty Cache. You may want to clear your browser history.
After clearing your cache, go to to get to Montgomery College’s
Zoom account. You will login with your MyMC user id and password.
Open an incognito browser and go to and see if that works.
To open an incognito browser in Chrome:
- Click on the menu on the upper right (the three vertical dots). Select New Incognito Window from the list. A new window will open.
To open an incognito browser in Safari:
- On the menu bar, click File and then click on New Private Window.
Attendees are not able to share their screen unless they are a co-host in the meeting.
See the Sharing a Screen in Zoom job aide (PDF, ) for instructions.
Anyone who is impacted by protected class (such as race, sex, gender, disability, religion or national origin) misconduct during a Zoom meeting or class should contact Christopher Moy, Director of ADA & Title IX Compliance, for resources and reporting options:
Zoom Training Video:
For additional instruction, access LinkedIn Learning by first logging into MyMC and clicking on the Training and Professional Development tab. Then, scroll to the bottom right hand side of the page and click on “sign in” under Additional Training Resources. Once you’ve been stepped through the initial sign in process, you can access the LinkedIn Learning Zoom course. If this is the first time you have used Linkedin Learning, you will need to go through a few initial sign on steps beginning with logging into MyMC.
Job Aides:
How to Use Your College Phone While Teaching and Working Remotely (PDF, )
Recording/Changing Your "No Answer Greeting" Remotely (PDF, )
Record a New Greeting Remotely (PDF, )
Report Phishing at Home
MC introduced the Phishing Reporter button to provide employees a quick and easy way
to report suspicious emails. IT Security would like to remind employees how to add
the Phishing Reporter button when using Office 365.
Add the Phishing Reporter Button to Office 365new window
User Access Control (UAC)
During this period of remote work, end user devices (workstations and laptops) are
even more vulnerable. As the first step of OIT’s effort to further secure College-issued
endpoints, we will ensure that all Windows 10 devices have User Account Control (UAC)
UAC serves two purposes:
- Makes you more conscious of the programs on your device that require elevated privileges
- Creates a log so the IT Security team can create policies that will allow applications, that require elevated privileges, to continue to run
Instructions for implementing UAC on your own personal Windows 10 devices. (PDF, )
The Office of Information Technology is introducing a new security tool to better protect employees as they work remotely.
Altiris for College-Owned Windows Devices
Altiris, used by the College, proactively and automatically ensures that the latest software security patches and updates are installed on your College laptop. This tool helps protect College devices from cyberattacks. These critical patches block potential cyber criminals from accessing College data and information. Installing Altiris on College-owned Windows devices, will give you greater protection and peace of mind as you work from home.
Altiris Download Instructions (PDF, )
Altiris FAQs:
If you see the Altiris icon in your system tray you will not
need to install Altiris:

Once installed, Altiris will push out updates to your laptop when they are released from Microsoft or other software vendors. You will always be provided with a warning that provides the option to delay the installation, or required reboot, for up to an hour.
Security patches or updates should be expected at least once per month, but on occasion, you may experience more than one update during the month to address critical security issues.
Updates should not take more than 10 minutes, but a laptop that hasn't been patched recently could take longer or need additional patches.
The installation and subsequent updates will happen in the background and not be disruptive. If you need to reboot your computer, it will trigger a brief interruption.