Data Is The Sweet Spot
The Office of Analytics & Insights is thrilled to announce its new podcast, Data is the Sweet Spot. It is easy to access all episodes and has very engaging content from several Montgomery College (MC) colleagues. Of course, the subject matter is all about data.
Data is the Sweet Spot was created to engage the MC community in data-informed discussions
and to creatively highlight diverse MC data journeys. This podcast gives us an opportunity
to hear about and get a glimpse of data-infused experiences within our MC community.
Don’t you want to peek? The fact is that we all use data in some form or fashion.
Every. One. Of. Us.
So, why not talk about it?
Created and hosted by Nadine Porter, J.D., deputy chief analytics and insights officer,
you are invited to listen to and celebrate our guests…in a short amount of time. Your
time will not be wasted! The podcast’s return on investment is that you will learn
a lot, laugh a little, and, perhaps, become empowered to discover your “data champion”
Thank you for listening. And, if you happen to see Margaret Horton, executive associate,
and Ramón Luis De La Cruz, central services building coordinator, please tell them
“job well done”; because launching this podcast would have been impossible without
Enjoy and happy podcasting!
Data 101 – It’s Imperative that Everyone Learn about Data Sciencenew window
Focuses on the evolving democratization of data, data access in the digital divide,
and ethical considerations.
Speaker: Rachel Saidi, Associate Professor/Data Science Program Coordinator
It’s All About Student Successnew window
Discusses the importance of effectively using data in the classroom to enhance student
Speaker: Andrea Foster, Professor of Business, Economics, Accounting, Computer Applications,
and Paralegal Studies
The Great Data AHA Moment in Developmental Mathnew window
Discusses the importance of optimizing data in curriculum design and provides a compelling
example of evaluating the math placement process and its outcome.
Speaker: Milton Nash, Collegewide Dean of Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science
MC’s Educational Metaversenew window
Identifies current trends in online education and introduces listeners to MC’s Virtual
Speaker: Shinta Hernandez, Dean of the Virtual Campus
I’m Going to Get That Transfer Data!new window
Discusses the journey to creating a simplified transfer process at MC for students
and a “wish list” of transfer data from our 4-year partners
Speaker: Angela Rhoe, Director of Academic Alliances
Data’s Mission Momentnew window
Highlights the importance of analyzing trends in student data and identifies student
metrics that drive decision making.
Speaker: John Hamman, Chief Analytics and Insights Officer
Special Student Edition with Student Trusteenew window
Highlights the importance of analyzing trends in student data and identifies student
metrics that drive decision-making from a student perspective.
Speaker: Deepica Premaratne, Student Trustee