Locate Your Manager Org Chart
- Log into Workday with your User ID and Password.
- Click your Profile icon.
- Click View Profile.
- Click the Team button. Your Org Chart includes information about your team, HR support, and your
manager’s manager.
Need updated screenshot - Click the names in the top right corner to navigate through your management chain.
You can also use the pull-down menu at the top left to view your org chart with or
without contingent workers, matrix reports, or open positions.
Need updated screenshot
If you have employees that are part-time faculty, student workers or contractors,
you may see your name twice in the Org Chart. If so, one of your supervisory organizations
may have JM in front of your name which means that you have employees on contract.
Export your Org Chart to Excel/Visio
- Click the Printer icon
- Select Excel as the File Format.
- Select how many Levels of your org chart you’d like to print.
- Optionally, select Include Pictures. The pictures will download as a .zip file.
- Click Print.
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