Call for Papers
Call for Papers: Outstanding Student Academic Writing in All Disciplines
Writing in the Disciplines (WID) is seeking submissions for its online publication featuring our students' exemplary writing in all the disciplines taught at Montgomery College. We seek excellent writing by students in all disciplines so that our online publication can showcase the diversity of styles and types of academic writing at MC.
Each instructor may nominate one piece of student writing. The student writing must have been completed between June 2024 and May 15, 2025, and composed as part of a class at Montgomery College. Student writings may not be longer than 15 typed, double-spaced pages, including diagrams, references, or other attachments.
All student work that is selected for publication will be published online, freely accessible on the internet. There is no restriction on the type of writing (fiction, nonfiction, formal, informal), and all topics and fields of study are welcome. The publication is intended to feature the full range of excellent student writing from Montgomery College students.
The required release forms are attached.
Submissions selected by each instructor should be forwarded with the following information
- The student writer’s full name
- The instructor’s full name
- The name, course number, and semester in which the writing was completed
- A copy of the assignment description, if any, or prompt for the written work
- The student’s full written work
- A student release form
- An instructor release form
Please include information about any special category (writing by a class, collaborative writing) with the assignment description.
Papers may be submitted on the Writing in the Disciplines web page. All submissions will also require two release forms, one signed by the student writer and one signed by the instructor, which can be submitted electronically on the WID web page.
- Student Release Form (PDF, )
- Instructor Release Form (PDF, )
Please feel free to distribute this call for papers to all Montgomery College faculty in your discipline. If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of the the campus coordinators.