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Descriptive Statistics on StatKey


Create a graphical display of quantitative data using StatKeynew window.


On StatKeynew window, select One Quantitative Variable from the main page.

STEP 1: Click on Edit Data button to enter your data.

STEP 2: Delete existing data before pasting or entering your data. Make sure to enter only one data value per line.

Don't have data? Copy the YouTube Videos data from this sample datanew window page onto your clipboard and paste it into the Edit Data entry box.

STEP 3: If your data has an identifier column used as labels, check the option for First column is identifier, otherwise leave it unchecked. Also, if the first row (header) of the data set you entered is a label/variable name, check the option for Data has a header row

Note: If your data set starts with your data values, do not forget to uncheck the Data has a header row option. Otherwise, StatKey will discard the first data entry.

edit data info for statkey

After your data entry, click the Ok button.

After your data entry, click the Ok button, if you haven't done so already. The default graph shown will be a dot plot. 

Select the Histogram tab at the top of the StatKey display to render a histogram of your data.

You can change the number of bars that appear by using the Number of buckets slider in the Histogram Controls section on the right. 

You can change the minimum and maximum for the buckets as well as the number of buckets using the Set Limits button.

Select the Box plot tab at the top of the StatKey display to render a modified box-and-whisker plot (box plot) of your data that includes the outliers information.

StatKey shows the Summary Statistics of the data on the right sidebar. Information shown includes:

Sample size: The number of entries in the data set, n
Mean: Sample mean (average),
Standard Deviation: Sample Standard Deviation, s

Also displayed is the five-number-summary of data:


Note: The five-number-summary on StatKey can be different from that of the results on other online calculators as SubediCalc, LibreText, and Desmos. Please consult with your instructor for further clarifications.