Your Voice, Your MC: Employee Experience and Climate Survey
Thank you to all who participated in the employee experience and climate survey. The overall response rate to the survey was 52% with over 1,400 faculty and staff responding.
Richard Boyer, Senior Consultant with Modern Think shared the key survey findings (PDF, ) with the College community on May 5, 6, and 11 with over 150 members of the college
community joining the live sessions. Additionally, key findings were shared with the
President, the Senior Administrative Leadership Team (SALT), All Administrators, the
Employee Engagement Advisory Group (EEAG), the President’s Advisory Council on Equity
and Inclusion (PACEI), the Office of Equity and Inclusion, and the Office of Compliance,
Risk, and Ethics.
Open Forums
The Office of Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management in partnership with the Offices of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics and Equity and Inclusion have scheduled four 90-minute open forums via Zoom to gather input and feedback from the Montgomery College community on results from the survey.
The open forums begin February 22 and conclude with one evening forum on March 1. We encourage your participation in the open forums which will focus on four priority areas for building on our strengths and enhancing growth opportunities.
Survey sponsors reviewed the survey results and the priority themes submitted by the
Employee Engagement Advisory Group (EEAG). Through this review, there are four priority
themes to address—two building on our strengths and two growth opportunities.
Strengths-based Areas:
- building on our impact and pride in the College mission
- enhancing the successes of our equity, inclusion, and ethics efforts.
Improvement Areas:
- enhancing the quality and effectiveness of performance management
- greater clarity and inclusivity by leaders and managers in decision-making.