Faculty Handbook
This faculty handbook is intended to provide all full-time and part-time faculty with
information about select, pertinent Montgomery Collegenew window policies, procedures, programs, and organizations.
College policies and proceduresnew window are constantly under review and continually changing, and changes in federal, state, or local law or the Collective Bargaining Agreementnew window may supersede information in this handbook. The College reserves the right to change any provision of the handbook at any time without prior notice. It is the responsibility of the user to determine that he or she is relying on the most current version of any particular policy, procedure, or other information.
While faculty should find this handbook useful as a guide, the handbook is not a legal document and does not constitute an expressed or implied contract of employment with the College. This handbook cannot and is not intended to address all circumstances related to a faculty member’s role at the College, and it is not, nor is it intended to be, an official College document. Rather, this handbook should be used in conjunction with current editions of official documents, including, but not limited to: the Montgomery College Catalognew window, the College Policies and Proceduresnew window, and the agreementsnew window between Montgomery College and the Montgomery College Chapter of the American Association of University Professors and the Service Employees International Union.
In any case where there may be a conflict or discrepancy between this handbook and any official document, the official document prevails. Official documents are posted on the College Official Policies, Documents and Reports web site.
This handbook is maintained and updated by the The Office of Academic Affairs. Information about College programs and services, historical information, and other descriptions throughout this handbook comes from a variety of sources, such as specific Montgomery College department websites, handouts, employee resource handbooks, and supplemental faculty handbooks. Please contact the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at any time with suggestions for corrections, modifications, or additions to this handbook.