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A Message from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs/College Provost

Dear Faculty,

On behalf of the entire Montgomery College administrationnew window, welcome to another vibrant academic year. For our new faculty members, I am pleased to welcome you to Montgomery College and the Academic Affairs divisionnew window. You are joining a community of outstanding colleagues who have made the College a national leader in undergraduate education – one with cutting-edge pedagogy, the most updated and relevant curriculum, and strong connections to transfernew window institutions and industry leaders.

The efforts of faculty, staff, and administrators in the Academic Affairs division are channeled toward one overarching goal: student success and post-graduation completion. As we develop activities and strategies to engage our students more deeply in the educational environment at the College, I ask you, their professors, to get to know them and learn about their goals, obstacles, and needs. Getting to know your students as individuals helps you to explore pathways to their career ambitions and points them toward interventions and assistance when needed. This level of engagement will ultimately help more students complete their degrees, and transfer to four-year programs or enter the workforce.

We will continue to create opportunities for our students. Through your use of emerging technologies in and out of the classroom, the development and use of open educational resources, student research, interdisciplinary projects, experiential learning opportunities, internships, and ensuring consistently high standards, Montgomery College students will be prepared to enter even the most rigorous programs and jobs. Our students tell us that it is you, the faculty, who inspire them to pursue goals they did not know were available or achievable.

Montgomery College is an exceptional place to work and learn. I encourage you to take advantage of the robust professional development opportunities that have been designed specifically to address the current priorities of the College. I also invite you to engage in College governance and leadership opportunities, and participate in the initiatives that will shape MC academics in the years to come,. The success of Montgomery College and our students depends on the active engagement of our faculty.

I wish you a rewarding academic year, and I look forward to working with you.


Deidre Price, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs/College Provost