College Area Review Committee (CARC)

The College Area Review Committee (CARC) has been charged to provide an objective, cross-sectional review of academic areas (credit and non-credit), student affairs, administrative units and to participate in designing and implementing the academic program viability review process. The committee members include the 4 vice presidents/provosts, 3 deans, 6 faculty members, a staff council representative, a student council representative, a research office representative, an Office of Information Technology representative, an Administrative and Fiscal Services representative, assessment & program review specialist, and the director of assessment. This committee will examine report findings and recommendations including key data metrics, with consideration for how best to use College resources to support student success and institutional effectiveness. The specific charge of the committee is to:
- review academic areas (including degree programs, disciplines, and special programs), student affairs, and administrative unit reports
- make substantive comments on the recommendations reports
- define program viability process and identify key indicators
- recommend programs for academic program viability review based on selected key indicators
- participate in the viability review process and make recommendations to the senior vice president for academic affairs.
Every effort is made to ensure that the faculty members of the committee represent a variety of disciplines and programs and provide balanced college wide representation. Faculty members serve a renewable three-year term and are selected from the Faculty Council and the Curriculum Committee. Staff and student representatives serve a two-year term and are selected from the shared governance council they represent.
CARC Members
Current Year Members (PDF, ) (MyMC authentication required)