Learning Outcomes Assessment

Our Learning Outcomes Assessment process comprises of two focus areas, General Education Assessment and Program Assessment.
General Education Assessment
General Education Assessment focuses on the student attainment of General Education competencies, which are assessed by using signature assignments and General Education Competency Rubrics in each General Education course. At the course level, General Education Assessment results are reported in the Integrated report and the CAR report. During years 1 & 2 and years 4 & 5 of the cycle, faculty provide updates on assessment activities related to General Education.
Montgomery College General Education courses contribute to developing a well-rounded student's general knowledge, values, skills, and ability to participate in and contribute to our global community. MC has adopted a set of General Education Competencies that align with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)new window and the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) new windowrequirements. Although every course offered at Montgomery College has a role in giving students the opportunity to practice and improve in each of the appropriate General Education competencies and Areas of Proficiency, each course in the General Education Program has a greater responsibility in helping students achieve these General Education goals. Please refer to the General Education webpage for more information about the General Education Program.
The primary goals of General Education Outcomes Assessment at Montgomery College are first to improve students’ performance in the General Education Competencies at the course level and second, to demonstrate the overall impact of the General Education Program at Montgomery College.
- Arts and Aesthetic Awareness (PDF,
- Critical Thinking (PDF,
- Written Communication (PDF,
- Information Literacy (PDF,
- Integrative Learning (PDF,
- Oral Communication (PDF,
- Personal, Social and Civic Responsibility (PDF,
- Quantitative Reasoning (PDF,
- Scientific Reasoning (PDF,
- Technological Competency (PDF,
Program Assessment
Program Assessment focuses on the student attainment of program-level learning outcomes. Faculty assess program learning outcomes once every three years. As of 2020–2021, the full report on assessment results occurs in the year three Integrated Report and three years later in the College Area Review. During years 1 & 2 and years 4 & 5 of the cycle, faculty provide updates on assessment activities related to Program Assessment.