Long Distance Travel Information
The first step is to complete a “Spend Authorization” (SA) form in Workday. The SA
replaces the long-distance travel forms used prior to the transition to Workday. The
SA form (PDF, ) will ask the traveler to indicate whether the travel is EAP-related or department-funded.
The traveler is expected to pay all of approved costs up front (out of pocket) and
claim reimbursement for expenses after the trip has been completed. No related expenses
can be processed (i.e., transportation, hotel, or registration) through the Office of Procurement.
Please be advised that, should any portion of EAP-related travel be prepaid through
the Procurement office, via the submittal of a requisition, HRSTM will NOT reverse
those charges from department account(s) and apply to the EAP account. Travelers who
elect to use the College-approved travel agencies to coordinate transportation or
hotel accommodations, must provide personal credit card information to complete transactions.
Please refer to the EAP Resource Guide (PDF, ) for more information.
Submit an approved requisition to the Office of Procurement for processing any travel related transactions that require pre-payment (i.e. hotel,
registration, transportation, vehicle rentals, etc.). The requisition should include
the traveler’s name, travel dates, purpose of travel, and the details related to whatever
portion of the travel to be covered by the requisition (whether all or in part). Attach
supporting documentation (i.e. hotel’s credit card authorization form, reservation
confirmation, completed event registration form, etc.). Transportation coordinated
through the College’s approved travel agencies (Globetrotter (PDF, ) or Frosch (PDF,
) will be charged to the card these agencies have on file).
Note: The College-approved travel agencies are required to contact the Office of Procurement for approval, prior to issuing tickets for transportation services. Approval will be granted only if the Procurement office has an approved requisition on file. Upon completion of travel, the traveler is responsible for providing a copy of the hotel’s folio/receipt for charges applied to the College’s account, to Chiquita Manago Haywood, Office of Procurement.