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Employee Matters

2025 Fiscal Update for MC Employees

We are pleased to share the fourth edition of our online Employee Matters 2025 Fiscal Update for MC Employees. The following pages highlight many of the College’s total rewards for the 2025 fiscal year. Topics include compensation updates, ESH rates, educational and professional development allowances, travel funds, required training, and more. 

For questions on the information in this year's fiscal update, please email the Office of Human Resources and Strategic Talent Managementnew window or visit HRSTM Points of Contactnew window for a detailed listing of staff.

For the most recent communications from HRSTM, please visit the HRSTM news pagenew window.


Collective Bargaining  

Explore the latest collective bargaining updates.

Our union members regularly engage with the College in several capacities, and teams annually engage in discussions on the existing collective bargaining agreements. Please check the HRSTM Collective Bargaining page for the latest versions of the contracts and Memoranda of Agreement. If you have any questions, please contact anyone on the Employee and Labor Relations Team. 

Don’t forget that the Good Faith Consideration application process for Part-Time Faculty has changed under the latest SEIU contract (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.) (See Section 7.3).  Applications now only need to be submitted once per year. 


An anonymous reporting solution for a culture of integrity and accountability at Montgomery College.

Montgomery College is an organization with strong values of accountability and integrity. Our Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.) (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.) contains general guidelines for conducting business with the highest standards of ethics.

Montgomery College is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We want you to feel comfortable approaching your supervisor or management in instances where you believe violations of policies or procedures have occurred.

If you prefer to submit an anonymous report, use EthicsPoint, a trusted third-party hotline provider that ensures confidentiality. You are encouraged to submit reports relating to violations stated in our Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.) . You may also submit reports asking for guidance related to policies and procedures and sharing positive suggestions and stories demonstrating decisions and actions that meet our ethical standards.

EthicsPoint is intended for employee use. In addition, regarding suspected wrongdoing or abuse in the administration or conduct of the College’s athletic programs and activities, students or employees may submit concerns through EthicsPoint. Students may visit our  Student Complaint Resolution webpagenew window for policies and procedures about reporting their concerns.

EthicsPoint is accessible via phone at 1-844-572-2198 or at EthicsPoint for MCnew window.

Performance Management 

FY25 Performance Evaluation for administrators, department chairs, supervisors, and staff.

FY25 Goals due:  Friday, September 27, 2024
HRSTM issue performance evaluations in Workday:  Monday, May 19, 2024
Self-evaluations due to supervisors:  Friday, June 27, 2025
Supervisor evaluations due:  Friday, August 15, 2025

Required Training

FY25 Required Training obligations for Montgomery College employees.

The details for the FY25 required training are currently under review and will be available soon.

Each year, there are college-wide training classes or online modules that are required for all or select employees, depending on their role. Additionally, supervisors may require additional training for employees within their area to meet discipline, departmental, and/or unit needs and requirements. A communication will be sent to the College community once the required training for FY25 is approved.

2024 Outstanding and Employee of the Year Award Recipients

Please join us in recognizing and celebrating the College’s exemplary employees who have received Outstanding and Employee of the year awards for 2024. Each of these individuals reflects the highest standards of excellence in their fields.

Full-time Montgomery College Professor of the Year

Dr. Katya Salmi

Montgomery College Staff Member of the Year

Dr. Paul Miller

Part-time Montgomery College Professor of the Year

Professor Valerie Tanner

Outstanding Faculty Award Recipients

Excellence in Teaching

Full-time Faculty

  • Professor Sean Fay, Humanities and Social Science
  • Professor Megan Howard, English and Reading
  • Professor Shelley Jones, Humanities
  • Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Melanson, Visual and Performing Arts
  • Dr. Rebin Muhammad, Mathematics
  • Dr. Stephen Wheatley, Mathematics
  • Dr. David Youngberg, Business/Computer Applications

Part-time Faculty

  • Professor Mary Brennan, Workforce Development and Continuing Education
  • Professor Bonard Molina Garcia, Humanities
  • Professor Richard Nalley, Workforce Development and Continuing Education 
  • Dr. Deborah Sterner-Krizman, Biology, Biotechnology, and Chemistry

Excellence in Counseling/Academic Advising

Full-time Faculty

  • Ms. Amanda Darr
  • Ms. Zenobia Garrison
  • Mr. Tim Kirkner
  • Ms. Natalie Martinez
  • Ms. Tamesha Robinson

Full-time Faculty

  • Dr. Yeve Montgomery, English and Reading 
  • Mr. Edward Riggs, Visual and Performing Arts
  • Dr. Esther Schwartz-McKinzie, English and Reading

Full-time Faculty

  • Dr. Laura Anna, Biology and Chemistry

Part-time Faculty

  • Ms. Pauline Kelly, English and Reading
  • Dr. Abdirisak Mohamed, Mathematics and Statistics 

Outstanding Staff Award Recipients

  • Dr. Akhter Chowdhury, Lab Manager
  • Mr. Jeff Chuang, Learning Center Manager
  • Ms. Yanira Rodriguez David, Community Engagement Manager
  • Ms. Beth Thoms, Librarian
  • Dr. Elysse Meredith, Learning Center Manager
  • Mr. Andres Maldonado, ACES Associate Director
  • Ms. Geraldine (GiGi) Papillero, Executive Associate
  • Ms. Miho Shimizu, Student Services Supervisor
  • Mintesnot Weldemariam, Community Engagement Specialist
Your Voice, Your MC

Explore how the Your Voice, Your MC Survey drives positive change by uncovering insights that fuel engagement, equity, and ethics that are at the heart of our MC's progress.

Guided by the Your Voice, Your MC (YVYMC) Survey Committee, ModernThink new windoworchestrated a comprehensive survey that incorporated the topics of employee engagement, equity and inclusion, and ethics and compliance. The survey yielded a response rate of 34%, securing a total of 1,151 respondents. It is noteworthy that upon exclusion of part-time credit and non-credit faculty from the computation, the participation rate escalates to 53%. 

Subsequent to collating the responses, ModernThink, in collaboration with the YVYMC Survey Committee, analyzed the data and shared the results with the College community in April and May. For an in-depth exploration of these findings, one is invited to visit the Your Voice, Your MC: Employee Experience Culture Survey. 
The leadership team conducted a review of the gathered data and, in cooperation with the entire administrator team at the June Administrator Leadership Conference (ALC), pinpointed strategies to propel the revitalized strategic plan based on the survey data. 

In order to further share results and collect employee input for draft proposed collegewide action plans, open sessions and forums will be convened in the fall semester of 2023. A unique feature of this survey cycle is the partnership of the HRSTM Organizational Development and HR Outreach teams with divisional and area teams to formulate localized action plans. These action plan recommendations were presented to the President's Cabinet in spring 2024.