This Month's Featured News and Guidance
5 - Full-time Faculty Overload – AY 2024/2025 (PDF, )
Memo and Newsletter Archive
13 - 2024 W-2 Tax Forms - English (PDF, )
13 - 2024 W-2 Tax Forms - Spanish (PDF, )
14 - Important Information for Workday Period Activity Pay (PAP) for Spring Semester 2025 (PDF, )
22 - Employee Matters | Vol. 6, No. 1 | January 22, 2025new window
27 - SRA Employee Letter – Single SRA (for employees with one SRA) (PDF, )
27 - SRA Employee Letter – Multiple SRAs (for employees with more than one SRA) (PDF, )
27 - SRA Contribution Worksheet (for reference and calculations) (PDF, )
29 - Employee Matters | Vol. 6, No. 2 | January 29, 2025new window
5 - Full-time Faculty Overload – AY 2024/2025 (PDF, )
4 - 2024 Minimum Wage Rate (PDF, )
10 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 1 | January 10, 2024new window
10 - FY24 Classification and Compensation Practices Study - Overview and Job Profile Navigation (PDF, )
12 - Workday Period Activity Pay for Spring Semester 2024 (PDF, )
19 - Time Entry and Time Off Guidance for Inclement Weather (PDF, )
23 - 2023 W-2 Tax Forms – Now Available (English) (PDF, )
23 - Formularios de impuestos W-2 para 2023 – Ahora disponibles (en español) (PDF, )
24 - Good Faith Consideration (GFC) for Academic Year 2024–2025 (PDF, )
24 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 2 | January 24, 2024new window
31 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 3 | January 31, 2024new window
1 - Full-time Faculty (FTF) Overload AY 2023–2024 (PDF, )
7 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 4 | February 7, 2024new window
19 - Retirees Billing and Payment Updates and Reminders (PDF, )
4 - Collegewide Job Profile Overview (PDF, )
6 - FY24 Educational Assistance Program (EAP), EAP Travel, and Professional Development
Assistance Program (PDAP) Updates and Reminders (PDF, )
18 - FY24 Classification and Compensation Practices Study – Job Profiles (PDF, )
20 - 2023 1095-C Tax Forms English and Spanish (PDF, )
3 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 11 | April 3, 2024new window
22 - Student Worker Extension and Separation (PDF, )
23 - ACA Hours Report and Notificaiton for Managers/Supervisors (PDF, )
25 - FY24 Classification and Compensation Practices Study Follow Up for Administrators
with Talking Points (PDF, )
1 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 15 | May 1, 2024new window
2 - Approval of Updates to Flexible Work Arrangement Procedures (PDF, )
7 - Compensation Increases for Fiscal Year 2025 (English Version) (PDF, )
7 - Aumentos de Compensación para el Año Fiscal 2025 (versión en español) (PDF, )
8 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 16 | May 8, 2024new window
15 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 17 | May 8, 2024new window
20 - FY24 Performance Evaluations for Administrators, Department Chairs, Supervisors, and
Staff (PDF, )
21 - Workday Period Activity Pay (PAP) for Summer Sessions 2024 for Counseling (Non-Instructional)
Full-time Faculty (PDF, )
21 - Workday Period Activity Pay (PAP) for Summer Sessions 2024 for Instructional Full-time
Faculty and Instructional Part-time Faculty (PDF, )
21 - Workday Period Activity Pay (PAP) for Summer Sessions 2024 for Non-Instructional Part-time
Faculty (PDF, )
22 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 18 | May 22, 2024new window
4 - Deferred Pay Program for FY25 (Academic Year 2024–2025) (PDF, )
5 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 19 | June 5, 2024new window
7 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 21 | August 7, 2024new window
20 - Important Update on the Payment Election Process (PDF, )
23 - Workday Period Activity Pay (PAP) for Fall Semester 2024 (PDF, )
28 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 22 | August 28, 2024new window
5 - Equal Employment and Education Non-Discrimination Notice (PDF, )
11 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 23 | September 11, 2024new window
18 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 24 | September 18, 2024new window
25 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 25 | September 25, 2024new window
1 - Employee Data Updates Required in Workday (PDF, )
2 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 26 | October 2, 2024new window
4 - Governance Chair Service Award (PDF, )
16 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 28 | October 16, 2024new window
17 - Voting, Election Day Support, and Time Off Approval Process (PDF, )
23 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 29 | October 23, 2024new window
24 - Important Update on Employee Hours and Compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (PDF, )
30 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 30 | October 30, 2024new window
31 - Changes to 403b/457b Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA) Plans for 2025 (PDF, )
4 - Student Worker Extension and Separation for Spring 2025 (PDF, )
6 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 31 | November 6, 2024new window
7 - 2024 Staff Time Off Reporting and Carryover (PDF, )
13 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 32 | November 13, 2024new window
18 - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program for Employees (PDF, )
20 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 33 | November 20, 2024new window
2 - Workday Period Activity Pay for Winter Session 2024–25 (PDF, )
2 - Workday Period Activity Pay for Part-time Faculty Counselors (PDF, )
3 - What You Need to Know About Casual Temporary Employees (PDF, )
4 - Year-end Timesheet, Time Off, and Tax Statement Reminders (PDF, )
4 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 34| December 4, 2024new window
11 - Employee Matters | Vol. 5, No. 35 | December 11, 2024new window
11 - FY25 Educational Assistance Program, EAP Travel, and Professional Development Assistance
Program Updates and Reminders (PDF, )
4 - Year End Timesheet, Time Off, and Tax Statement Reminders (PDF, )
6 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 35 | December 6, 2023new window
6 - 2024 Health, Dental, and Life Group Insurance Plan Changes and Rates (PDF, )
11 - Workday Period Activity Pay for Winter 2023–2024 (PDF, )
11 - Workday Period Activity Pay for Spring 2024 for Part-time Faculty Counselors (PDF, )
13 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 36 | December 13, 2023new window
1 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 32 | November 1, 2023new window
6 - Staff Time Off Reporting and Carryover (PDF, )
8 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 33 | November 8, 2023new window
13 - FY24 Annual Required Collegewide Training for Employees (PDF, )
14 - Employee Wellness and Faculty and Staff Assistance Program Survey (PDF, )
15 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 34 | November 15, 2023new window
4 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 29 | October 4, 2023new window
11 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 29 | October 11, 2023new window
18 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 30 | October 18, 2023new window
26 - Updates to and Guidance for Flexible Work Arrangement Procedures (PDF, )
31 - Student Worker Extension and Termination (PDF, )
5 - Equal Employment and Education Non-discrimination Notice Fall 2023 (PDF, )
5 - New Process for Hiring Student Workers (Student Assistant and Federal Work Study)
6 - Important Reminders About Check Replacements and Statutory Deductions (PDF, )
12 - Invitation to Participation in YVYMC Open Forums (PDF, )
13 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 25 | September 13, 2023new window
19 - FY24 Classification and Compensation Practices Study (PDF, )
20 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 26 | September 20, 2023new window
27 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 27 | September 27, 2023new window
28 - New Strategic Alignment for HRICs and HRSTM Campus Outreach (PDF, )
29 - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (PDF, )
9 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 22 | August 9, 2023new window
16 - ACA Hours Report and Notification for Managers (PDF, )
23 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 23 | August 23, 2023new window
23 - Cigna/Kaiser Deductions on Payslips (PDF, )
25 - Important Information for Workday PAP for Fall Semester 2023 (PDF, )
29 - New Process for Hiring Student Workers (Student Assistant and Federal Work Study) (PDF, )
30 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 24 | August 30, 2023new window
12 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 21 | July 12, 2023new window
3 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 16 | May 3, 2023new window
3 - Time Guidance for Additional Holiday Closure on July 3, 2023 (PDF, )
8 - Deferred Pay Program for FY24 (Academic Year 2023-2024) (PDF, )
10 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 17 | May 10, 2023 new window
22 - FY23 Performance Evaluations for Administrators, Department Chairs, Supervisors, and
Staff (PDF, )
22 - Workday Period Activity Pay (PAP) for Summer Sessions 2023 (PDF, )
24 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 19 | May 24, 2023new window
5 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 12 | April 5, 2023new window
12 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 13 | April 12, 2023new window
19 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 14 | April 19, 2023new window
26 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 15 | April 26, 2023new window
1 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 8 | March 1, 2023new window
8 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 9 | March 8, 2023new window
9 - Your Voice, Your MC Survey Thank You and Raffle Winners (PDF, )
22 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 10 | March 22, 2023new window
29 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 11 | March 29, 2023new window
22 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 7 | February 22, 2023new window
15 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 6 | February 15, 2023new window
15 - Your Voice, Your MC Survey–Confidentiality Guaranteed (PDF, )
8 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 5 | February 8, 2023new window
3 - Full-time Faculty Overload AY 2022–2023 (PDF, )
3 - Su Voz, Su MC: Encuesta sobre la experiencia y el ambiente laboral 2023 (En español) (PDF, )
3 - 2023 Your Voice, Your MC: Employee Experience and Climate Survey (English) (PDF, )
1 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 4 | February 1, 2023new window
25 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 3 | January 25, 2023new window
24 - Good Faith Consideration (GFC) for Academic Year 2023–2024 (PDF, )
18 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 2 | January 18, 2023new window
18 - Period Pay Activity Pay for Spring Semester 2023 (PDF, )
18 - Formularios de impuestos W-2 para 2022 (En español) (PDF, )
18 - W-2 Tax Forms for 2022 (English) (PDF, )
11 - Employee Matters | Vol. 4, No. 1 | January 11, 2023 new window
23 - Missing Holiday Pay for Friday, December 23, 2022 (PDF, ) (PDF,
15 - Employee Experience and Climate Survey (Your Voice, Your MC) Update (PDF, ) (PDF,
14 - 2023 Minimum Wage Rate (PDF, ) (PDF,
14 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 44 | December 14, 2022 new window
7 - Year End Timesheet, Time Off, and Tax Statement Reminders (PDF, ) (PDF,
7 - FY23 EAP, EAP Travel and PDAP (PDF, ) (PDF,
7 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 43 | December 7, 2022 new window
5 - Workday Period Activity Pay (PAP) Winter 2022-23 (PDF, )
5 - Workday Period Activity Pap (PAP) Spring 2022-23 (PDF, ) (PDF,
30 - Administrator Leadership Awards for 2023 - Call for Nominations (PDF, )
30 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 42 | November 30, 2022 new window
16 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 41 | November 16, 2022new window
9 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 40 | November 9, 2022new window
2 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 39 | November 2, 2022new window
26 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 38 | October 26, 2022new window
19 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 37 | October 19, 2022new window
13 - Correction - FY23 Required Training (PDF, )
12 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 36 | October 12, 2022 new window
5 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 35 | October 5, 2022new window
28 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 34 | September 28, 2022new window
22 - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention (PDF, )
21 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 33 | September 21, 2022new window
14 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 32 | September 14, 2022new window
31 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 31 | August 31, 2022
24 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 30 | August 24, 2022new window
18 - Workday Period Activity Pay (PAP) for Fall 2022 (PDF, )
17 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 29 | August 17, 2022new windownew window
10 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 28 | August 10, 2022
3 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 27 | August 3, 2022
27 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 26 | July 27, 2022new window
20 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 25| July 20, 2022new window
13 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 24 | July 13, 2022new window
1 - Compensation Increases for FY23 (PDF, )
29 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 23 | June 29, 2022new window
15 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 22 | June 15, 2022new window
8 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 21 | June 8, 2022new window
25 - Deferred Pay Program for FY23 (Academic Year 2022-2023) (PDF, )
20 - Self-Disclosure Request in Workday (PDF, )
18 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 19 | May 18, 2022new window
11 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 18 | May 11, 2022new window
10 - Important Workday Updates for FY22 and FY23 Educational Assistance Program (EAP) (PDF, )
4 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 17 | May 4, 2022new window
3 - FY22 Performance Evaluations for Administrators, Department Chairs, Supervisors, and Staff (PDF, )
27 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 16 | April 27, 2022new window
20 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 15 | April 20, 2022new window
13 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 14 | April 13, 2022new window
13 - Civic Engagement Opportunity: Election Day Judge/Worker and Support, and Time Off
(Leave) Approval Process (PDF, )
6 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 13 | April 6, 2022new window
30 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 12 | March 30, 2022new window
23 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 11 | March 23, 2022new window
9 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 10 | March 9, 2022new window
2 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 9 | March 2, 2022new window
1 - FY22 Educational Assistance Program (EAP) Funds Update (PDF, )
24 - Telework Application, Approval, and Submission (PDF, )
23 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 8 | February 23, 2022new window
16- Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 7 | February 16, 2022new window
9 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 6 | February 9, 2022new window
9 - Your Voice, Your MC: Employee Experience and Climate Survey Open Forum (PDF, )
2 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 5 | February 2, 2022new window
26 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 4 | January 26, 2022new window
25 - 2021 W-2 Tax Forms – Now Available (PDF, ) | Formularios de impuestos W-2 para 2021 – Ahora disponibles (PDF,
19 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 3 | January 19, 2022new window
14 - Current Guidance on COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Requirements for Employees (PDF, )
12 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 2 | January 12, 2022new window
12 - Your Pay in Workday (PDF, )
5 - Employee Matters | Vol. 3, No. 1 | January 5, 2022new window
5 - Time Sheet Guidance for Inclement Weather on January 3, 2022new window
16 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 46 | December 15, 2021new window
8 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 45 | December 8, 2021new window
1 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 44 | December 1, 2021new window
22 - FY2022 Required Training for Employees (PDF, )
17 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 43 | November 17, 2021new window
10 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 42 | November 10, 2021new window
3 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 41 | November 3, 2021new window
2 - Update on COVID-19 Vaccination Process and Disciplinary Action Protocols (PDF, )
27 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 40 | October 27, 2021new window
27 - 2021 Sick and Safe Leave (SSL) Carry Over and Changes for 2022 (PDF, )
20 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 39 | October 20, 2021new window
15 - Coronavirus: Vaccination Documentation and Exception Requests (PDF, ) | Spanish Version (PDF,
14 - Return-to-Campus Plans, Regrouping, and Phasing in Telework (PDF, ) | Spanish Version (PDF,
13 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 38 | October 13, 2021new window
12 - FY21 Staff and Administrator Compensation Market Study – Findings and Recommendations (PDF, ) | Spanish Version (PDF,
12 - 2021 Staff and Administrator Leave Reporting and Carry-over (PDF, )
6 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 37 | October 6, 2021new window
29 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 36 | September 29, 2021new window
22- Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 35 | September 22, 2021new window
15- Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 34 | September 15, 2021new window
8 - Special Recognition Awards for Staff for FY2022 (PDF, )
2 - Time Sheet Guidance for September 1, 2021 (PDF, )
1 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 33 | September 1, 2021new window
30 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 25 | June 30, 2021new window
29 - Compensation Procedure Modifications (PDF, )
23 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 24 | June 23, 2021new window
23 - Timesheet Guidance for Observation of Juneteenth Holiday (PDF, )
22- One-Time Lump-Sum Award for Employees (PDF, )
8 - Gradual Lift of Hiring Freeze (PDF, )
25 - Changes to Hourly Exempt Staff (PDF, )
13 - FY21 Performance Evaluations (PDF, )
12 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 19 | May 12, 2021new window
11 - Summer Pay for Non-Instructional Full-Time Faculty (PDF, )
5 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 18 | May 5, 2021new window
5 - Compensation Market Study Update (PDF, )
28 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 17 | April 28, 2021new window
21 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 16 | April 21, 2021new window
14 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 15 | April 14, 2021new window
7 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 14 | April 7, 2021new window
1 - Requirements for MC Employee Volunteers at Germantown Campus Vaccination Site (PDF, )
31 - Update #2 to Families First Coronavirus Relief Act Leave (PDF, )
31 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 13 | March 31, 2021new window
24 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 12 | March 24, 2021new window
17 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 11 | March 17, 2021new window
10 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 10 | March 10, 2021new window
9 - Strategic Workforce Planning - Update (PDF, )
4 - FY21 Compensation Market Study (PDF, )
3 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 9 | March 3, 2021new window
1 - COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization and How to Obtain Employment Verification Letters (PDF, )
24 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 8 | February 24, 2021new window
23 - New Account Authentication Rule (PDF, )
17 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 7 | February 17, 2021new window
10 - Your Voice, Your MC: Employee Experience and Culture Survey (PDF, )
10 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 6 | February 10, 2021new window
3 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 5 | February 3, 2021new window
6 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 1 | January 6, 2021new window
13 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 2 | January 13, 2021new window
15 - COVID-19 Safety Measures for Working on Campus - Spring 2021 (PDF, )
19 - Update to Families First Coronavirus Relief Act Leave (PDF, )
20 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 3 | January 20, 2021new window
27 - Employee Matters | Vol. 2, No. 4 | January 27, 2021new window
29 - 2020 W-2 Tax Forms – Now Available (PDF, ) | Spanish (PDF,
Archive of HRSTM Communications from 2020
16 - Employee Matters | Vol. 1, No. 32 | December 16, 2020new window
14 - Weather Response Winter FY21 (PDF, )
7 - Freeze on Recruitment and Hiring (PDF, )
3 - Minimum Wage Memo (PDF, )
2 - Employee Matters | Vol. 1, No. 31 | December 2, 2020
23 - Important Year-End Payroll, Leave and Tax Reminders (PDF, )
18 - Employee Matters | Vol. 1, No. 30 | November 18, 2020new window
11 - Strategic Workforce Planning (PDF, )
11 - Employee Matters | Vol. 1, No. 29 | November 11, 2020new window
9 - Leave Carry Over Notice (PDF, )
5 - A Synopsis of the MC Employee Return to Campus and Worksite Survey (PDF, )
4 - Employee Matters | Vol. 1, No. 28 | November 4, 2020new window
28 - Employee Matters | Vol. 1, No. 27 | October 28, 2020new window
22 - Special Recognition Awards for Staff for 1st Quarter of FY2021 (PDF, )
22 - Talent Share (PDF, )
21 - Employee Matters | Vol. 1, No. 26 | October 21, 2020new window
14 - Employee Matters | Vol. 1, No. 25 | October 14, 2020new window
8 - New Electronic Direct Deposit Authorization Form (PDF, )
7- Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1 No. 24|October 7, 2020new window
5 - Voting, Election Day Support, and Leave Approval Process (PDF, )
30 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1 No. 23| September 30, 2020new window
23 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1 No. 22| September 23, 2020new window
16 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1 No. 21| September 16, 2020new window
16 - FY2021 Required Training Recommendation (PDF, )
15 - Social Security Tax Deferral (PDF, )
3 - Employee Hiring for Fall Semester (PDF, )
2 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1 No. 20| September 2, 2020new window
28 - Manager and Supervisor Directives for Onsite Work (PDF, )
26 - Discontinuance of Special Shift Pay (PDF, )
26 - COVID-19 Safety Measures for Working on Campus (PDF, ) | Spanish (PDF,
) | Amharic (PDF,
26 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 19new window
19- Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 18new window
12 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 17new window
5 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No.16new window
2 - Return-to-Campus Assessment and Employee Survey (PDF, )
8 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 12new window
15 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 13new window
20 - Hiring of New Part-time Faculty for Fall 2020 (PDF, )
22 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 14new window
29 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 15new window
3 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 8new window
9 - Department Chairs Annual Leave Notice (PDF, )
10 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 9new window
17 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 10new window
24 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 11new window
27 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 7new window
20 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 6new window
13 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 5new window
11 - Time Reporting Guidance #4 During Extended Remote Operations Due to COVID-19 Conditions (PDF, )
6 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 4new window
1 - Implementation of Special Shift Pay and Discontinuation of Essential Personnel Pay (PDF, )
29 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 3new window
27 - Suspension of Recruitment and Hiring Activities (PDF, )
22 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 2new window
15 - Timesheet Guidance During Extended Remote Operations Due to COVID-19 Conditions -
Memo 2 of 2 (PDF, )
15 - Employee Matters Newsletter | Vol. 1, No. 1new window
2 - Timesheet Guidance During Extended Remote Operations Due to COVID-19 Conditions -
Memo 1 of 2 (PDF, )
17 - Leave Reporting and Time Sheet Guidance for Saturday, March 14 to April 3, 2020 (PDF, )
12 - Employee Concerns and COVID-19: Update #1 (PDF, )
11 - Employee Concerns and COVID-19 (PDF, )
Additional Communications
- Presidential Memosnew window
- Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemicnew window
- MC Annual Reportsnew window
- HRSTM Fiscal Update (PDF,
- MC Personnel Profile (PDF,
- HRSTM Annual Report (PDF,