The Ethical Expectations materials provide frameworks for each of the seven expectations
to standards outlined in the Montgomery College Code of Ethics, Policy and Procedure
31000–Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct.
This work is grounded in one of the 2018 recommendations from the Ombuds: “Commit to identifying and operationalizing concrete ways to achieve the purpose of
the Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct to ensure that all employees uphold the ethical
standards within the Code by convening a group of stakeholders to brainstorm and make
decisions on this matter.”
This recommendation was adopted with modification by the Acting President, and a workgroup
of employee stakeholders was convened in spring 2019 and tasked with collaborating
to explore each expectation:
“The group’s charge is to refine the ethical standards as articulated in the relevant
policy and procedure, make them measurable, reviewing existing policies, procedures,
and practices that hold employees accountable for one or more of the stated ethical
standards, and find additional ways to embed the ethical standards within the Montgomery
College culture.”
This workgroup discussed and refined each expectation, including developing representative
observable behaviors, warning signs of problematic behavior, resources, and scenarios.
Sincere appreciation is extended to the Ethical Expectations Workgroup (2019).