
College employees will be open, honest, and direct.
Representative Observable Behaviors
a. Submits time sheets accurately, including reporting leave used.
b. Requests leave in accordance with departmental processes.
c. Accounts promptly for variances between submitted time sheet and actual time worked.
a. Holds class for the full amount of time as indicated on the schedule.
b. Uses information technology resources for work-related tasks.
c. Does not compromise security by downloading items for entertainment purposes.
a. Articulates an accurate performance review reflective of his/her true performance.
b. Reports accurately what he/she contributes to the unit.
c. Communicates the positive and the negative to ensure accurate messages are sent.
d. Addresses concerns with co-workers in a constructive way.
a. Arrives punctually even when his/her supervisor is absent.
b. Fills out an accurate timesheet every pay period.
c. Uses lunch and break periods appropriately, without “padding” or lengthening them.
Warning Signs of Problematic Behaviors
a. Uses office supplies for non-College use (printer paper, ink cartridges, etc.)
a. Records time worked in error.
b. Misuses leave, e.g., by taking sick leave when policy dictates personal or annual leave should be taken.
c. Neglects regularly to maintain published office hours for the course.
d. Promises to make up course office hours not held in a given week the following week, but does not follow through with additional hours the next week.
e. Takes leave during professional week every semester, then submits for a fraction of the time taken and argues that he/she did not take leave.
f. Changes office hours frequently to make it difficult for the department chair to keep track of office hours held.
a. Exaggerates things to co-workers to get them upset about situations or have them adopt a certain viewpoint.
b. Neglects to share pertinent information that should be considered, but that may not help his/her self-interest.
Honesty-Humility and Perceptions of Organizational Politics in Predicting Workplace Outcomes. Jocelyn Wiltshire, Joshua S. Bourdage, & Kibeom Lee. (2014). Journal of Business and Psychology, 29(2), 235. Retrieved from Montgomery College Librarynew window
The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone—Especially Ourselves. Ariely, D. (2012). Harper. Retrieved from Montgomery College Librarynew window
Workplace Ethics (2015). Kanopy Streaming. Workplace Ethics video on Kanopy websitenew window
LinkedIn Learning:
• Behaving with Honesty (3:14) video describing the characteristics of honest communication. Behaving with Honesty video on Linkedinnew window
• Find the Honest Balance (2:03) video describing Radical Candor. Find the Honest Balance video on Linkedinnew window
Steven Gaffney’s Communication Blog: Steven Gaffney’s Blognew window
Examples of Integrity in the Workplace: Small Business - Chron.com. Scott, Sherrie. (2019, January 22). Retrieved from Chron websitenew window
How to Create an Atmosphere of Honesty in the Workplace. Long, N. Small Business–Chron.com. Retrieved from Chron websitenew window