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Ethical Expectations Accountabiliy


College employees will fulfill their roles and responsibilities to the best of their abilities. College employees will be personally accountable for the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior in all aspects of their work.  

Representative Observable Behaviors

  1. Informs supervisor if employee identifies something else to be considered or included in a task, such as extra step in process, input from another person/unit, and/or additional time, materials, and resources.
  2. If assignment cannot be completed by due date, informs supervisor and asks for direction on how to reprioritize workload or for a time extension. The conversation occurs before the due date.
  3. Periodically verifies work is on track.
  4. Supervisor asks employee if they have everything they need to be successful, including establishing realistic due dates.
  1. Accepts responsibility for errors.
  2. Does not blame others or offer excuses due to surrounding circumstances.
  3. Corrects the error, learns from mistakes, and says what will be done differently in the future to avoid the mistake.
  4. Supervisor uses a mistake as a positive and constructive teachable moment.
  1. Acts as a role model by doing what he/she commits to do.
  2. Supervisor accepts responsibility for directing an employee to perform a task that receives negative attention or outcome, instead of blaming the employee or remaining silent on the issue.
  1. Takes initiative to influence process instead of letting things happen that interfere with effective and successful outcomes.
  2. Uses data in decision-making process.
  1. Is willing to take on stretch assignments and discuss concerns about assignments beyond his or her capacity.
  2. Knows what decisions are and are not within their purview.
  3. Supervisor communicates parameters for employee decision-making.
  1. Supervisor provides honest and fair feedback to employees in a timely manner, especially when performance can improve.
  2. Supervisor provides clear feedback on deficiencies and offers employee opportunities to improve in advance of performance evaluation, so that employee does not learn of deficiencies for the first time in the performance evaluation process.
  1. Supervisor initiates and follows through with corrective actions for an employee who has made consistent, multiple errors, and has not met job expectations over time.
  1. Arrives on time to work and work commitments.
  2. Is prepared for work, meetings, and team projects and follows up on deliverables.
  3. Serves the needs of College customers.

Warning Signs of Problematic Behavior

  1. Does not meet due dates on tasks, and does not provide adequate notice that the due date will not be met.
  2. Does not do what he/she commits to do.
  3. Supervisor assigns work without clearly setting SMART goals.
  4. Employee accepts work without asking for clarification and clear expectations.
  5. Employee does not utilize posted and/or known best practices or leading industry standards.
  1. Blames others, blames external forces, and/or does not take personal responsibility. If an error is made, does not take ownership of the task and the employee considers him/herself blameless.
  2. Hides mistakes. For example, employee refuses to admit that he/she provided incorrect data from which an incorrect decision was made.
  3. Repeats mistakes without trying to change or improve outcomes; does not learn from mistakes.
  1. Refuses to participate and then offers alternative ideas at an untimely point.
  2. Complains about the outcome although he/she contributed little to the work.
  3. Overcommits and then tries to cover up by making excuses.
  4. Refuses to apologize for any action, despite numerous opportunities when that would be appropriate.
  1. Supervisor does not coach, train, or prepare employees for work assignments.
  2. Supervisor does not document employee’s problematic behavior when appropriate.
  3. Supervisor does not hold some employees accountable for their behaviors; selective accountability leads to favoritism and allows for inconsistent expectations.
  4. Supervisor delegates responsibility and does not provide the necessary tools or skills for others to be successful.
  1. Uses equipment and supplies for personal use or takes supplies home.
  2. Uses time for personal business or pleasure. For example, has lengthy phone calls, visits with friends/family while on work time, and/or does personal work.


Crucial Accountability: A one-day class that follows Crucial Conversations, a two-day class and a prerequisite. Class is offered by Professional Development-ELITE.

Employer & Worker Responsibilities Under OSHAnew window
USEPA Websitenew window where you can check compliance status of facilities in your area

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