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Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct


College employees will consistently treat all people and College resources with respect.

Representative Observable Behaviors

a.    Arrives on time for the work day and for meetings.

b.    Is present before class starting time.

c.     Returns phone calls and emails promptly.

a.    Greets people appropriately.

b.    Uses a person’s name when known, and makes an effort to learn names.

c.     Welcomes newcomers and visitors.

d.    Uses appropriate salutations to show respect for the person’s position.

a.    Responds to work of others when asked.

b.    Participates in discussions on projects.

c.     Completes surveys.

a.    Is aware of how body language changes when speaking with individuals from different backgrounds, which can indicate respect or disrespect.    

b.    Is aware of how changes in tone of voice, use of slang, unfamiliar jargon, or the context can show respect or disrespect for others.

a.    Makes eye contact when conversing.

b.    Learns about cultural differences regarding body language.

a.    Turns cell phone off during meetings, or puts away cell phone entirely.

b.    Does not answer cell phone when in the company of others.

c.     Gives full attention to colleagues in meetings rather than checking a cell phone (or other device) intermittently.

a.    When given an assignment, completes the work by the due date or earlier.

b.    Provides notice when an unavoidable work delay occurs.

c.     Makes contact with people the group wants to consult.

d.    Turns in reports of activities on time.

a.    Demonstrates an effort to learn about different attitudes, ideas, and approaches of other cultures.

b.    Considers perspectives that differ from his/her own.

c.     Respects the changes in American culture that have occurred for groups from different backgrounds.

a.    Is tactful and refrains from making personal comments.

b.    Does not give opinions or make judgments in the absence of facts.

c.     Does not edit the “truth” about a situation.

d.    Is not selective about information shared to favor a preferred outcome.

Montgomery College Office of Equity and Inclusion

a.    We aspire to be welcoming, equitable, inclusive, and culturally competent.

b.    We are polite in our interactions by

  • greeting and acknowledging others;
  • saying please and thank you;
  • respecting others’ time, space, and individuality; 
  • being direct, sensitive, and honest.

c.     We listen for common ground.

d.    We treat each other with respect by

  • welcoming feedback with an open mind and giving others the benefit of the doubt;
  • acknowledging the contributions of others and recognizing successes;
  • acknowledging the impact of our behavior on others with a caring heart.

e.    We address incivility in a polite, courteous, and responsible manner.

Inspired by Mastering Civility by Christine Porath.

Warning Signs of Problematic Behavior

a.    Uses insulting remarks, personal criticisms, or judgments in speaking of others.

b.    Spreads gossip or rumors.

c.     Talks negatively about others in their absence.

d.    Shares unnecessarily negative information about someone with supervisors to prejudice or bias the supervisor’s perception of the other person.

a.    Does not affirmatively include someone in a conversation that is relevant to that person’s work.

b.    Selectively responds to emails, phone calls, or requests for information.

c.     Keeps information to his/herself to preserve an advantage or to appear more valuable to their supervisor by virtue of having specialized knowledge.

d.    Shows preference for a particular gender, age group, ethnic group, or race.

a.    Circumvents the proper authority to get something done.

b.    Does not address a person directly when there is an issue or problem.

a.    Accepts credit for the work of others, or accepts disproportionate credit for the work of a group.

b.    Does not accept responsibility for something that goes wrong, but allows another to be blamed.

c.    Does not fulfill responsibilities wholeheartedly, including not spending the full amount of time required in classes or on the job.

d.    Arrives frequently late to meetings.

e.     Cancels or reschedules meetings repeatedly on short notice.

f.    Talks at length in meetings, without regard for the business to be accomplished in the remaining amount of time scheduled.


  • As a Leader in a Politically Correct Diverse Workplace, How Do You Establish a Culture of Respect? Maeso, E. (2017). Performance Improvement, (3), 28.  Wiley Online Librarynew window
  • Embedding Employees Early On: The Importance of Workplace Respect. NG, T. W. H. (2016). Personnel Psychology, 69(3), 599–633.

  • Creating a Culture that Thrives: Fostering Respect, Trust, and Psychological Safety in the Workplace. Page, L., Boysen, S., & Arya, T. (2019). OD Practitioner, 51(1), 28–35.
    Retrieved from Montgomery College Librarynew window
  • Shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect—a shared mission. [electronic resource]. Parker, J. F., & Parker, J. F. (2010). FTPress Delivers. Retrieved from Montgomery College Librarynew window
  • Great workplaces are built on a foundation of respect. [microform]. Russo, D., & Russo, D. (2010). FTPress Delivers. Retrieved from Montgomery College Librarynew window
  • The Respectful Leader. [electronic resource]. Ward, G., & Meyer, W. (2016). Wiley.
    Retrieved from Montgomery College Librarynew window

Elite Workshops: Many of the Elite Workshops have an applicable piece to them that may have a civility quality which can
be applied.

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