As part of efforts to foster a strong ethical culture at Montgomery College, please note these special resources for managers and supervisors for compliance and ethics information. We encourage managers to share this critical information with their teams. All employees are welcome to utilize these resources. Please contact with any questions.
(from the MC Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct Handbooknew window)
Montgomery College employees in supervisory positions are the foundation of college leadership, and their role carries several additional responsibilities.
First and foremost, it is important for supervisors to lead by example. By working ethically and demonstrating high standards for self and others, you support and encourage a civil and professional work environment.
When establishing and maintaining their unit, supervisors need to set clear expectations
and discuss those expectations with employees so they have an adequate understanding
of our Code of Ethics and Employee Standards of Conduct (PDF, ) . They must make sure to provide access to resources and strive to promote a culture
where employees feel comfortable asking questions and voicing concerns.
College leaders should also continually work to encourage the development of personnel, acknowledge and retain competent personnel, and seek ways to sustain a high level of morale within their units.
Remember, it is never right to retaliate or tolerate retaliation against any employee for raising concerns that he or she believes to be true.
The Ethical Expectations (PDF, ) materials provide frameworks for each of the seven expectations or standards outlined
in the Montgomery College Code of Ethics, Policy and Procedure 31000–Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct (PDF,
) .
The guide is intended to increase our institutional commitment to and practice of our ethical values. There are many ways to use this guide:
- Have team discussions about the ethical expectations, using the handbook as guidance.
- Encourage conversation around each value, one team meeting at a time.
- For areas of concerning behavior in your team, use the handbook to guide desirable behavior and offer some resources for further work.
- Review the handbook and select portions of it that you or your team would benefit from reviewing. Incorporate it into team or individual discussions.
Employees are encouraged to talk with their management regarding their concerns. Employees also have the option to share concerns of any nature to a confidential reporting line. Montgomery College uses the EthicsPoint reporting linenew window, which is a confidential and anonymous third-party reporting line.
The College has developed a roadmap to help employees understand where to go to address
different types of concerns: Roadmap for Employees to Address Concerns (PDF, ) .
The College is committed to protecting individuals from interference with reporting
wrongdoing and from retaliation for making a report in good faith. No individual who
in good faith reports a suspected violation shall thereby suffer harassment, retaliation,
or adverse employment, academic, or educational consequence. For more information,
please consult Montgomery College’s Policy and Procedure 39003–Protection Against Retaliation (PDF, ) and Policy and Procedure 61008–Reporting Suspected Acts of Wrongdoing (PDF,
) .
Please share these resources with your colleagues.
- Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct Policy Poster (PDF,
- Ethical Decision-Making Frameworknew window
- Disclose a Conflict of Interestnew window
- Student Complaint Resolutionnew window
- Compliance Matters Newslettersnew window
- Office of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics Annual Reportnew window
- Required Disclosures for Employees and Studentsnew window
- Student Resourcesnew window