Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct

Montgomery College is committed to fostering an environment of integrity where ethical
standards are consistently applied by all. Our Code of Ethics and Employee Conduct (PDF, ) was adopted by the Board of Trustees on June 19, 2017. The Code of Ethics expresses
the ethical standards for faculty, staff, and administrators: Accountability, Civility
and Collegiality, Compliance, Fairness, Honesty, Respect, and Stewardship.
Upholding the Code of Ethics will serve to enhance an ethical environment and promote civility, excellence, and integrity in our work and with one another. It is every employee’s responsibility to uphold the Code of Ethics and to encourage high standards of ethical behavior and decision-making by all.

Reporting Concerns
Roadmap for Employees to Address Concerns
The College has developed a special roadmap document (PDF, ) to help employees understand where to go for assistance with the resolution of different
Confidential Reporting Line
Employees with concerns are encouraged to talk with their management. MC uses the
EthicsPoint reporting line, which is a confidential and anonymous third-party reporting
EthicsPoint toll-free number: 844-572-2198
EthicsPoint online reporting: EthicsPoint Montgomerycollegenew window
Online Handbook
Our Code of Ethics and Employee Standards of Conduct Handbook provides:
- A summary of our shared institutional values and ethical standards.
- Clearly articulated expectations of both our employees and of Montgomery College.
- References to key Montgomery College policies and procedures.*
- References to key laws and regulations applicable to Montgomery College.*
- An ethical framework for decision-making for all employees.
- Resources for additional guidance.
*Note - Not all policies, key laws and regulations are covered in the Code of Ethics and Employee Standards of Conduct Handbook.