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Performance Management and Pay FAQs

Performance management and pay are important components of building careers at Montgomery College.

Below are answers to questions commonly asked for Administrative, Associate, and Support Staff.

General Wage Adjustment, Salary Increments and Bonuses

The General Wage Adjustment (GWA) was previously known as a cost of living adjustment (COLA).  The GWA is a percentage increase to your base salary.

Administrators and non-bargaining support staff will receive a GWA if the Board of Trustees determines there are available funds.

The salary increment, previously known as "merit pay," is a percentage increase to your base salary, awarded in addition to the GWA.  Salary increments are authorized by our Board of Trustees each year, and the amount is dependent on available funds.

The percentage increment is determined by the overall score of your annual performance evaluation.

To be eligible for a salary increment and to receive one, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be in one of these eligible positions currently and prior to January 1:  Administrator, Chair, Staff, or Temp with Benefits.
  2. Worked for more than six months during the performance period.


Six-Month Probationary Staff Evaluations

The normal probationary period for newly hired staff positions is six months.  This is the period of time that a new employee is required to serve in a position to demonstrate his or her knowledge, skills, and ability to perform the duties of the position satisfactorily. 

A recommendation to grant Regular Employee status must be in writing and should be submitted to Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management (HRSTM) at least three weeks before the six-month probationary period ends.  Consult HRSTM as soon as any indication to not grant regular status arises.   The recommendation should be made by the supervising administrator and shall specifically contain both a certification that the employee's work record is at least satisfactory and a statement that the granting of regular status is recommended.  

If a staff employee's position is reclassified (regardless of whether the salary grade changes), the staff employee will undergo a six-month probationary period and a six-month evaluation.  If you are unsure that your promotion, job transfer, or change in duties constitutes a job reclassification, please contact HRSTM Classification and Compensation.

For Temps with Benefits and Regular Employees to become eligible for salary increments and bonuses, they must have an approved goal plan for the current fiscal year and also undergo this year's performance evaluation.   Even though the decision to renew a Temp with Benefits contract may not be known until late in the fiscal year, to avoid forfeiting eligibility for increments and bonuses, we strongly recommend the following actions:

The Employee

  • Collaborate with your supervisor to create a goal plan for this fiscal year and submit it to your supervisor early in the year so they can approve it by the announced deadline.
  • Write a review and submit it to your supervisor.

The Supervisor

  • Approve the employee's goal plan by the announced deadline.


Goal Plans - employee responsibilities

For a comprehensive list of performance management deadlines for this fiscal year, see "Performance Management Cycle for Administrators, Department Chairs, Associate, and Support Staff."

Regular Employees and Temps with Benefits hired before January 1 must have an approved goal plan for the current fiscal year and should undergo an annual performance evaluation.  This is the only way for those employees to become eligible for a salary increment.  In cases where employees were hired shortly before January the six-month probationary evaluation may take place immediately before the annual evaluation. Both evaluations should be completed.

Regular Employees and  Temps with Benefits hired (completely new to the College or faculty becoming staff) on or after January 1 do not need to have an approved goal plan for the current fiscal year and will not undergo this year's annual performance evaluation.  However, they will create a goal plan for the next fiscal year.   It should be developed in collaboration with the supervisor while this year's performance evaluations are being written and should be initially approved by the designated deadline.

We recommend having between three and five goals that are marked for inclusion in the performance evaluation.

One of the goals must address the development and/or enhancement of cultural competency in relation to diversity and multiculturalism.

For help understanding the purpose of goal planning and the appropriate types of goals, see "Writing Meaningful Goals."

As part of the Diversity Plan adopted by the Montgomery College Board of Trustees, employees in all divisions, including: full-time credit and non-credit faculty, all staff (including temps with benefits), department chairs, and administrators must have a goal plan, approved by their supervisor, that includes at least one goal that addresses the development and/or enhancement of cultural competency in relation to diversity and multiculturalism.  The goal must be completed by June 30,2018 (or within 12 months of the hire/start for new employees.) 

This is not a requirement for part-time credit faculty or casual temporary employees without benefits.

The goal should address:

  • Attending an event or short class in a new area of multicultural and diversity awareness.
  • Participation in professional development classes, training or institute.
  • Taking action on a work team, committee, or task force to address a diversity challenge at MC.
  • Changing behaviors perceived as bias, assumption, or exclusion through training, coaching, disciplinary action or other intervention.
  • Completing reuired/mandatory training to be accountable for legal, regulatory, and policy compliance on multicultural/diversity issues.
Before retiring, the supervisor and employee should consult about the to priorities or goals of the job. This ensures a smooth transition of any tasks and duties to other staff members that may be assigned to assume them. 

If you are on extended leave or plan to be,  you can get information about your goal plan, performance evaluation, and eligibility for salary increments and bonuses by contacting HRSTM Employee and Labor Relations.

Next fiscal year's goal plan should be a collaboration between the supervisor and the employee.  When you and your supervisor are writing and reflecting on this year's performance evaluation, you should also be discussing and developing net fiscal year's goal plan.  Your supervisor should provide the initial approval of the plan at the same time they submit this year's performance evaluation.


goal plans - administrator and supervisor responsibilities

It is your responsibility to make sure all of your direct reports have approved goal plans.
The talent management system allows supervisors to create and assign goals to their direct reports.  You should do this in the event the employee has not added this goal to their plan. Since attending a class or an event is something that cannot be evaluated with respect to "progress," we strongly recommend that employees explore ways in the course of performing their duties that develop and/or enhance their cultural competency.


Performance Evaluations - employee responsibilities

Regular Employees and Temps with Benefits hired before January 1 must have an approved goal plan for the current year and should undergo an annual performance evaluation. This is the only way for those employees to become eligible for a salary increment.  In cases where employees were hired shortly before January, the six-month probationary evaluation may be scheduled immediately before the annual evaluation. Both evaluations should be completed.

Regular Employees and Temps with Benefits hired on or after January 1 do not need to have an approved goal plan for this year and will not undergo an annual performance evaluation. However, they will create a goal plan for next fiscal year. The supervisor and employee should collaborate on the development of the plan in the spring and summer, and the supervisor should initially approve the plan by the deadline for this year's performance evaluation.

Yes.  All Regular Employees and Temps with Benefits are required to write self-evaluations. Employees who fail to write self-evaluations by the announced deadlines will become ineligible for a wage increment.

NOTE:  These deadlines are collegewide system deadlines. Supervisors have authority to establish and communicate earlier deadlines if they deem it necessary in order to facilitate the timely completion of performance evaluations.

All employees are required to complete mandatory training, and performance evaluations should reflect the employee's progress toward completion of the training.
Since required training is a responsibility of all employees, you should evaluate progress toward completing it in the Primary Work Responsibilities section of the performance evaluation.

All staff, including those who plan to retire, are required to be evaluated on an annual basis.

All staff are also required to write self-evaluations.

Supervisors are responsible for submitting the evaluations of their direct reports. 

Performance based salary increments and bonuses are based on the overall scores of the performance evaluations; however, in order for those salary increments and bonuses to be factored into an employee's retirement benefits the employee must retire "after" the increments and bonuses are paid out.

NOTE:  The general wage adjustment that goes into effect on July 1 is not tied to the performance evaluation; however, it will be factored into the retirement benefits for those who retire after that date.

If you are on extended leave or plan to be, you can get information about your performance evaluation and eligibility for salary increments by contracting HRSTM Employee and Labor Relations.


Performance Evaluations - Administrator and Supervisor Responsibilities

The policy is that the employee must have been a direct report of the previous supervisor for at least half of the evaluation period (five months for ten-month employees and six months for 12-month employees.

Contact HRSTM and inform the Administrator of the situation.  She will determine if the direct reports have been assigned to another supervisor in Banner. 

If the evaluations of the direct reports have not already been transferred to the new supervisor, she will transfer them at that time.

If a new supervisor has not been identified, the direct reports will temporarily be assigned to the absent supervisor's direct superior, the evaluations will be transferred to them, and they will be required to approve the goal plans for the next fiscal year and write the evaluations for the absent supervisor's direct reports.

Supervisors only become eligible for salary increments or bonuses if they have approved this year's goal plans and submitted this year's performance evaluations for 100% of their direct reports. 

If one of your direct reports is, or plans to be, on extended leave, they may not be eligible for an increment.  To determine if the employee is exempt from being evaluated contact HRSTM.