Workers' Compensation
Every employer in Maryland, with more than two employees, is required to provide Workers’ Compensation coverage. Workers’ Compensation benefits provide payment for lost wages as well as reasonable medical expenses incurred as a result of a work-related injury or illness. Maryland State Law requires payment of 66 2/3% of the average weekly wage during the period of incapacity. However, Montgomery College provides full wage protection for up to 12 months of documented disability for employees that work at least half-time with regular status (as opposed to temporary status) in a budgeted position on a continuing basis if they participate in the Managed Care Program.
The HRSTM Office administers the Workers’ Compensation Program through CORVEL a contracted claims service. It is our goal to ensure that each injured employee receives high quality medical care, and prompt payment of benefits.
When an employee sustains a non-life-threatening injury at work, they can be treated at any walk-in clinic and most minor injuries can be attended to at these clinics. In the case of serious injury, the employee should be transported to the nearest emergency room. The individuals should identify themselves as a Montgomery College employee and inform the clinic/hospital that they have sustained an injury at work. The employee should provide the clinic/hospital with the information in this packet thereby ensuring the clinic has adequate information to facilitate appropriate billing.
Under the Workers’ Compensation Law of Maryland, you may choose your treating physician. If the claim is found to be compensable, you will receive the State mandated benefit of 66 2/3% of your average weekly wage for lost time as well as reasonable medical expenses incurred, as a result of the work-injury or illness.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your workers’ compensation claim contact Rowena D’Souza, Risk Management Coordinator at (240)567-5370.
The following is a brief description of the flow process of a workers’ compensation claim.
- Injured employee or supervisor reports work injury to Security. Security notifies
HRSTM Risk Management Coordinator. Claim is reported to CORVEL and a claim number
is generated.
- The employee is free to seek treatment with a provider of their choice. The first
visit is covered by workers’ compensation if the injury occurred while the employee
was at work. To find a CORVEL physician you can:
- Visit MCSIPnew window and click on PPO Network
- Contact the Nurse Case Manager at 800-234-5003
- To locate an Immediate Care facility click on Downloads and choose the Immediate Care listing.
- After the initial visit the employee should contact “CORVEL” at (800-234-5003) to discuss future treatment. Use of managed care through “CorVel” ensures the college will reimburse the employee for lost time associated with the work injury at 100% of pay if the claim is deemed a compensable injury by “CorVel”. If the employee chooses not to utilize managed care and the claim is deemed compensable by “CorVel” the employee will be compensated for lost time at 66 2/3 % of pay in accordance with State law and reasonable medical bills associated with the injury will be paid.
- It is your responsibility to communicate with your supervisor on a weekly basis to advise them of your leave status.
- It is your responsibility to communicate and cooperate with your claims adjuster at CORVEL to manage your treatment and care. This involves returning phone calls, keeping appointments and providing documentation as required.

Under the Workers’ Compensation Law of Maryland, you may choose your treating physician or you may choose to participate in the college’s managed care program by utilizing the services of CORVEL. There are several benefits associated with participation in this program.
- Employees that participate in the program continue to receive full salary for lost wage benefits for up to 12 months; non-participants receive the State-mandated benefit of 66 2/3% of their average weekly wage.
- Employees may be assured of receiving prompt, quality medical care and effective case management.
- CORVEL will pay for the initial medical care even if the claim is denied, medical treatment is paid for until the date of denial of the claim.
The College expects you to return to work when you are medically able to do so. You must comply with any activity restriction your physician has ordered. You must:
- Notify your supervisor of your return to work date prior to the day you return to work.
- Provide your supervisor with a written release to return to work from your physician.
- If you are released to return to work “with restrictions” you must notify your supervisor prior to your return to determine if your restrictions can be accommodated.
- Contact Rowena D’Souza at 240-567-5370 or as soon as you are notified of your return to work date.
Leave for Medical Appointments and Physical Therapy
It is the Insurer/Employer’s responsibility to reimburse time/leave for mandatory appointments that we may schedule for the employee, such as Independent Medical Evaluations; however, with regard to consultations, scheduled follow-up medical appointments and physical therapy appointments, injured workers are strongly encouraged to schedule their appointments during times/on days that would not significantly impact/conflict with their work schedules, or communicate their needs and work with their Supervisor’s to develop a temporary schedule that suits their needs.
If there is a significant discrepancy with leave/time, and there are no early or late PT facilities or providers that can work with an injured worker’s needs/schedule, CorVel recommends that the injured worker submits pay check stubs which reflect their wages following their injury or return to work to CorVel, or coordinate with their attorney to provide CorVel with their pay stubs and we will determine if the injured worker is entitled to receive any Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) benefits for the hours/time lost attending their medical appointments. If there is a difference between the pre-injury Average Weekly Wage, and the wages earned while missing time from work post-injury for medical/therapy appointments; the injured worker would be entitled to receive TPD.
Temporary Partial Disability
Fifty percent (50%) of the difference between the employee's Average Weekly Wage and his/her wage-earning capacity thereafter, but not to exceed 50% of the State Average Weekly Wage or $558.00 (2019).