Working With Volunteers
A “college volunteer” is an uncompensated individual who offers his/her services to the college and who is authorized by the college to perform specified services for the benefit of the college. The policy states that:
Montgomery College recognizes the importance of individuals who perform services in support of the College’s mission without expectation or receipt of compensation, benefits or consideration for the services provided (“Volunteers”).
It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that volunteers may not be used in full-time, longterm assignments. Volunteer activities are expected to be part-time, sporadic, or of limited duration. Volunteers will perform supplemental tasks that generally would not be completed without volunteer assistance. Volunteers are not to be used to eliminate the need for, or take the place of, paid staff.
Volunteers will be screened based on the nature and duration of their assignment. Volunteers must comply with all applicable college policies and procedures related to their volunteer assignment. Volunteers serve at the pleasure of the College, which at any time reserves the right to dismiss them with/without cause or prior notice.
Volunteers are not considered employees for any purpose and are not eligible for compensation or other related benefits. To be covered by worker’s compensation or the College’s liability protection, volunteers must be authorized to serve in a volunteer capacity on behalf of the College and suffer injury arising out of and in the course and scope of their volunteer duties. Volunteers serving with College affiliated organizations that are covered by separate liability insurance (MC Foundation, PIC-MC Foundation and the alumni board of governors) do not fall under this Policy or accompanying Procedure.
The President is authorized and directed to establish procedures to implement this policy.
An individual wishing to volunteer at Montgomery College must provide the appropriate
documentation to Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management Office (HRSTM) prior
to the start date of the volunteer assignment. View the College procedure 39002CP (PDF, ) for more information.
Questions? Contact: Volunteers