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Talent Share

Montgomery College is responding to the challenges of COVID-19 by creating a way to share talent and expertise across our system. As a result of our changing environment, some departments are experiencing an increased workload while others may have employees with increased availability. The talent sharing process will allow us to meet important staffing needs by connecting the department with internal employees with available time. This is a unique opportunity for individual and professional growth while supporting the College community.

How does Talent Sharing Work?

  1. Supervisors discuss staffing needs and capacity with their employees and managers
  2. Supervisors fill out the appropriate form
  3. The Talent Acquisition team and HRICs will work with supervisors and employees to align skills with work assignments.



How can I participate in Talent Sharing @MC?

If you have increased availability and are interested in Talent Sharing, speak with your supervisor to explore the possibility of participating in this program. Likewise, if you are experiencing an increase in workload, speak with your supervisor to explore the possibility of participating in Talent Sharing.

Will my salary change if I participate in the Talent Sharing @MC?

No, your salary will remain the same. Participating in Talent Sharing should be viewed as an opportunity for professional development and networking at the College.

Will my current position or supervisor change?
No, your current position and primary supervisor/timesheet approver will not change. However, you will receive direction from the leadership in the new department you are supporting. Talent Sharing @MC participants will not experience a change salary
What are the benefits to employees participating in the program?
The shared employee may learn new skills and gain an understanding of how other units' function.
What are the benefits of the program to the College?
This program will benefit the College by advancing mission-critical tasks and balancing the institution-wide workload. It also creates professional growth opportunities for shared employees.
How long will the program be in effect?
The program will be effect until it is deemed no longer needed.