FLAC and EPAFs for Part-time Faculty
Fall 2021
The Fall 2021 term code is 202220
FLAC will open on Tuesday, August 24, 2021. In order for Part-time Faculty to be paid by September 10, 2021, all FLAC entries must be completed AND locked by COB Tuesday, August 31, 2021.
Per the SEIU contract (PDF, ) , a part-time faculty member is limited to a total of 11.5 ESH over the course of
the Fall semester.
As of the first day of the 2021-2022 Academic Year, the ESH rate for Part-time Faculty are the following amounts:
Lecturer $1,260
Adjunct I $1,365
Adjunct II $1,460
Adjunct II+ $1,475
All FLAC (Faculty Load and Compensation) entries and EPAFs (Electronic Personnel Action Forms) must be created, approved and processed for part-time faculty for as follows:
August 21, 2021 - December 24, 2021
Term: 202220
Contract Type: PT and PS
Position PAxxxx Suffix is a one up
Begin Date: August 21, 2021
End Date: December 24, 2021
Total of nine (9) pays:
- 1st pay date is September 10, 2021
- 9th and last pay date is December 30, 2021
NOTE: Number of pays as well as begin and end dates may change for non-standard classes. Please inform your part-time faculty member of their first pay date.
For PTF that have classes part of term 8 (classes start the week of September 13, 2021. Please only process them through FLAC if you are 100% they will run. If you are unsure please process them through an EPAF closer to the class start date.
For PTF that have classes part of term 3 (classes start the week of October 27, 2021. These should not be processed through FLAC. Please process them through an EPAF closer to the class start date.
Since everyone is starting the Fall semester on the same date, contract type will be PT (not PC).
Term: 202220
Contract Type: PT
Position PAxxxx Suffix is a one up
Begin Date: August 21, 2021
End Date: December 24, 2021
Total of nine (9) pays:
- 1st pay date is September 10, 2021
- 9th and last pay date is December 30, 2021
NOTE: Number of pays as well as begin and end dates may change for non-standard classes. Please inform your part-time faculty member of their first pay date.
Timelines and requirements for part-time faculty new hires.
The hiring of new part-time faculty is processed through Workday-Recruitment. Ms. Roz Sanders, HR Specialist (PTF Recruiter) can assist you with creating the appropriate requisition to meet your needs to hire new part-time faculty. She can assist you with the onboarding process of a new part-time faculty hire.
New part-time faculty cannot start until a background check is completed and results received.
An M# for the new part-time faculty hire will be created upon the:
- Receipt of Employment paperworknew window – Personal Data Form, I-9 Form, Tax Withholding Forms, Direct Deposit Form
- Receipt of the background check results and
- Initial Rank Placement form (PDF,
A background check must be completed and results received before a new hire can start employment. Once the background check results are received and the employment paperwork along with the above information is received, an M# is created and sent to you to assign workload and create an EPAF.
An Initial Salary Placement (PDF, ) (rank placement) form must be received to create the new part-time faculty rank record.
Their rank determines their pay level. Without this form we cannot activate the new
part-time faculty in the system and will delay their processing and 1st pay date.
After the FLAC Upload
After the FLAC upload has been completed, please use EPAFs to get Part-time Faculty jobs into the Banner system.
If you have a late starting class to process, please use EPAFs (PTF) enter SIAASGN information AFTER the upload in late starting class cases.
For additional ESH after the FLAC upload, please use EPAFs.
For reduction or cancellation of ESH, please use the faculty change form. This form should be the only form completed for changes (reduction, additions, cancellation, etc.). It needs to be signed by the Chair (PTF) or the Dean (FTF) for approval, and sent to HRSTM for processing. Make sure to enter all changes into SIAASGN for reporting purposes. Accuracy in SIAASGN may be audited.
Please remember deadlines!
HRSTM, HRIS will not determine or calculate workload/ESH. They will offer guidance, when necessary.
Please ensure you are completing all necessary fields in SIAASGN and on the EPAFs (if you need to complete one).
For questions and inquiries on the SIAINST and SIAASGN data entry, please contact Rosalee Law in the Office of Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management.
Please indicate the applicable FOAP/Account numbers on all faculty change forms submitted to HRSTM.
Please be advised that Non-exempt employees are not allowed to teach as PTF members. There will be no exceptions made.
Please make sure that you are sending all Part-Time Faculty Assignment letters and Alternate ESH Request Forms to your campus liaisons, to ensure they are being imaged into their personnel files.
Memo: Part-time faculty FLAC and EPAF processing for Fall 2021 (PDF, )